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Below are the 2017 Fancy Brigade themes.

Fancy Brigade Theme Captain
1. Purple Magic Speak Easy Michael Orlando Jr
2. Clevemore Oh Those Places You’ll Go Ralph Tursi
3. Avenuers Steam Punk Bob Fitzmaurice
4. 2nd St. Shooters The New Fire Ceremony Rich Lind
5. Satin Slipper Closing Time John Bielec
6. Jokers Day of the Dead Celebration Joe Gallagher
7. Golden Crown Raindance Bob Runowski
8. Spartans Tropical Island, Protectors of the Vibrant Utopia Drew Averill
9. Shooting Stars The Phantom’s Masquerade Michael Adams
10. Vikings It’s All in Your Mime Pete D’Amato
11. Downtowners RIO Festival of Animals Anthony Stagliano
12 Saturnalian Gangs of New York Jack Hatty Jr.