2020 Mummers Parade Results
2020 Mummers Parade Results for String Band, Fancy Brigades, Comics, Wenches and Fancies. January 1, 2020 – New Years Day – Philadelphia PA will be posted here when they are available. In the meantime join our newsletter, visit our sponsor and check back.
String Band Division Results
- South Philadelphia – 96.35
- Quaker City – 94.90
- Fralinger – 93.20
- Woodland – 92.25
- Avalon – 91.30
- Aqua – 87.65
- Uptown – 86.85
- Polish American – 85.65
- Ferko – 81.40
- Duffy – 81.30
- Hegeman – 80.95
- Greater Kensington – 78.90
- Durning – 75.80
- Greater Overbrook – 74
- Pennsport – 73.65
- Jersey – 63.70
String Band Captain Results
- Denny Palandro (South Philadelphia), 58.55
- Jim Good (Quaker City), 58.1
- Stephen Caldwell (Uptown), 57.45
- George Balzer, IV (Woodland), 56.9
- Brad Bowen (Fralinger), 56.65
- Nick Magenta (Polish American), 56.4
- Shawn Blubaugh (Greater Kensington), 55.55
- Ken Maminski (Aqua), 55.3
- Joe Accetta (Pennsport), 55.1
- Joe Pomante (Durning), 55
- Carmen Maniaci (Avalon), 50.7
- Michael Luciany (Ferko), 49.5
- Jake Kudrick (Duffy), 48.55
- Nick Blackford (Hegeman), 47.9
- James Driadon (Greater Overbrook), 46.1
- Patrick Walton (Jersey), 44.6
Fancy Brigade Division Results
- Saturnalian
- Satin Slipper
- Shooting Stars
- Spartans
- Downtowners
- Golden Crown
- Avenuers
- South Philly Vikings
- Clevemore
- Jokers
- 2nd Street Shooters
- Purple Magic
Fancy Brigade Captain
Thomas Dougherty -Saturnalian
Anthony Stagliano – Downtowners
Chris Micelli – Satin Slipper
Drew Avrill – Spartans
Michael Adams – Shooting Stars
Wench Brigade Results
- Riverfront
- Oregon
- Saints
- O’Malley
- Americans
- Cara Liom
- Bryson
- Froggy Carr
- Pirates
Fancy Division Results
- Golden Sunrise, 6469.75
Fancy Division Captain
- Sunrise on the Nile (Golden Sunrise), 175
Handsome Costume
- Jester’s Court (Golden Sunrise), 85
- Springtime (Golden Sunrise), 75
- Ares and the Greek Gods (Golden Sunrise), 70
- Uncle Sam (Golden Sunrise), 65
Fancy Trio
- The Bees Are Back in Town (Golden Sunrise), 75
- Rock Lobsters (Golden Sunrise), 65
- Luck of the Irish (Golden Sunrise), 60
- Country Jubilee (Golden Sunrise), 55
- Bats out of Hell (Golden Sunrise), 50
King Clown
- Tribute to New Orleans (Golden Sunrise), 75
- Party Time (Golden Sunrise), 65
- Come to the Circus (Golden Sunrise), 60
King Jockey
- Over the Rainbow (Golden Sunrise), 75
- Puttin’ on the Ritz (Golden Sunrise), 65
- In Search of the Holy Grail (Golden Sunrise), 60
- Space Traveler (Golden Sunrise), 55
King Jockey
- Dante’s Inferno (Golden Sunrise), 75
- Starry Nights (Golden Sunrise), 65
- The Mighty Elephant (Golden Sunrise), 60
Special Mention
- 2020 Vision (Golden Sunrise), 75
- Here Comes the Sun (Golden Sunrise), 65
- Medusa (Golden Sunrise), 60
- Rain Warriors (Golden Sunrise), 55
- Magic Garden (Golden Sunrise), 50
- Down by the Rail Road (Golden Sunrise), 45
- Kaleidoscope of Colors (Golden Sunrise), 40
- Grinning Like a Cat (Golden Sunrise), 35
- The Sharks (Golden Sunrise), 30
- The Pumpkin Patch (Golden Sunrise), 0
- Time Keeper (Golden Sunrise), 0
- Lady Liberty (Golden Sunrise), 0
- Defender of the Forest (Golden Sunrise), 0
- Raggedy Ann & Her Soldiers (Golden Sunrise), 0
- Country Jubilee (Golden Sunrise), 0
Trio Pantomime Clown
Hoppin’ Down Broad Street (Golden Sunrise), 30
- Snake Charmer (Golden Sunrise), 30
- For the Love of Philly (Golden Sunrise), 28
- Just a Clown (G. Sunrise), 27
- America the Beautiful (Golden Sunrise), 26
- The Snow Bunny (Golden Sunrise), 25
- Send in the Clown (Golden Sunrise), 24
- Ring Leader (Golden Sunrise), 23
- The Elephant March (Golden Sunrise), 22
Comic Division Results
- Murray, 6,280
- Goodtimers, 2,750
- Landi, 1,960
1st place Comic Division Captain Results
- Dennis Pellegrino
- Augustine DiBernardo (Goodtimers), 209
- Gene Foschini (Landi), 148
Comic Division Brigade
- B. Loves Strutters (Murray), 200
- Golden Slipper NYB (Murray), 190
- Two Street Stompers NFB (Goodtimers), 180
- Funny Bonez (Murray), 170
- Mollywoppers NYB (Murray), 160
- Jesters NYB (Goodtimers), 150
- Lobster Club NYB (Goodtimers), 140
- Mad Hatters NYB (Murray), 130
- Venetian NYA (Murray), 120
- Trama NYB (Murray), 110
- Holy Rollers NYB (Murray), 100
- Hog Island NYA (Goodtimers), 90
- The Jacks NYB (Landi), 80
- Vaudevillians NYB (Murray), 70
- Happy Tappers NYB (Goodtimers), 60
- Pinelands Mummers NYB (Goodtimers), 50
- Spiers Strutters (Murray), 40
- Sammar Strutters (Murray), 30
- Merry Makers NYB (Murray), 20
- Finnigans (Goodtimers), 10
- Fitzwater NYB (Murray), 0
- MGK Outsiders NYB (Murray), 0
- Neverlands NYB (Goodtimers), 0
- South Side Shooters NYA (Goodtimers), 0
- Wild Rovers (Murray), 0
- Misfits NYB (Murray), 0
- Jokers Wild NYB (Goodtimers), 0
- Mis Fancy NYB (Landi), 0
- Barrels NYB (Landi), 0
- Fiasco NYB (Murray), 0
- Gormley NYB (Goodtimers), 0
- Jolly Jolly Comics NYB (Goodtimers), 0
- Philadelphia Pan Stars NYB (Landi), 0
Comic Division Group
- Chyrsanthemummery (Goodtimers), 200
- Unlike Agholor (Landi), 190
- Weird Science (Murray), 180
- Uptown Clowns (Murray), 170
- Philly Style (Landi), 160
- 20/20 Vision (Murray), 150
- Scarecrow’s Hayday (Murray), 140
- Pong on Broad Street (Murray), 130
- Bachelor Parade (Murray), 120
- Wreck It Ralph (Murray), 110
- Thriller (Murray), 100
- Tribute to the Wizard of Oz (Murray), 90
- Clown around City Hall (Goodtimers), 80
- Pirate’s Life for Us (Goodtimers), 70
- Walk on (Murray), 60
- From Sesame Street to Broad Street (Murray), 50
- Knigt Fever (Goodtimers), 40
- Who’s on First (Murray), 30
- The Real Whistleblowers (Goodtimers), 20
Best Couple
- Squid Pro Quo (Goodtimers), 200
- Energizer Bunny on the Move (Murray), 190
- Mystery Singers Slapdown (Murray), 180
- Pow Bam Zoom Batman & Robin Take over Philly (Landi), 170
- Amazon Shopper (Murray), 160
- Trump’s 20/20 Vision (Goodtimers), 150
- Feel the Beat (Murray), 140
- What Day Is It (Murray), 130
- A Couple of One Night Stands (Murray), 120
- Convicted Serial Spillers (Murray), 110
- Dancing with the Stars – Final Chapter (Murray), 100
- Minion Opinion (Landi), 90
Most Original Character
- I’m Full of It (Murray), 200
- Chaplin Broad Way & Broad Street (Goodtimers), 190
- Pizza Man Needs a Mummer (Murray), 180
- An Authentic Broad Street Clown (Landi), 170
- Rocket Man (Murray), 160
- Slimerween (Murray), 150
- Black Beard (Goodtimers), 140
- The Original John Deer (Murray), 130
- Strutting Polly (Murray), 120
- Olaf’s Bike Adventure (Goodtimers), 110
- The Minister of Mummery (Murray), 100
Most Original Costume
- Godzilla Conquers the World (Murray), 200
- All Decked Out (Murray), 190
- Ice Princess (Murray), 180
- Clown Umpire (Landi), 170
- Ice Fisherman (Murray), 160
- Pennies in the Sky with Diamonds (Murray), 150
- Marshmallow Man (Murray), 200
- Just When You Thought It Was Safe (Murray),190
- Eye See You (Murray), 180
- Mummy Jackson (Murray), 170
- The Flapper (Goodtimers), 160
- Cute as a Cupcake (Murray), 150
- Portrait of a Clown (Murray), 140
- Prison Break (Goodtimers), 130
- Rocket Man (Murray), 120
- Shakin’ Skeleton (Goodtimers), 110